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Glick Philanthropies Grants More Than Half a Million Dollars to Support a Healthy Democracy

Concrete sidewalk with 'VOTE' spray painted in blue. You can also see the person who took the photo's legs & feet.

The 2023 Indiana Civic Health Index defines civic health as “the way that communities are organized to define and address public problems.” Communities with strong indicators of civic health have higher employment rates, stronger schools, better physical health, and more responsive governments.

Unfortunately, in Indiana, formal participation in the election process remains a significant challenge. In 2022, Indiana ranked 50th out of 51 states and Washington, D.C. in voter turnout and 40th in registration.

Aiming to be part of the solution, Glick Philanthropies launched a focus on Healthy Democracy.

“Everything we care about – affordable housing, arts, basic needs, economic mobility, education, and the Jewish community – relies on a functioning, healthy democracy,” said David Barrett, President & CEO of the Glick Family Foundation, one of Glick Philanthropies’ charitable initiatives. “While we wish that philanthropic organizations didn’t need to step up to support democracy, the current landscape requires it. Glick Philanthropies is committed to creating communities where everyone has a voice and opportunity.”

While we continue learning and exploring how we can be most helpful in supporting a healthy democracy, we know that resources are needed now to:

  • Protect civil rights and liberties;
  • Strengthen local journalism; and
  • Ensure accessible free, and fair elections.

In line with those priorities, we provided grants totaling $550,000 to the following 501(c)(3) organizations. Below each organization description, we provided links to some of their resources that you may find helpful.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Indiana: Founded in 1920, the ACLU is the nation's foremost guardian of liberty, defending individual rights and enhancing and preserving liberties that are guaranteed in the U.S. and Indiana Constitutions and civil rights laws. They are nonprofit, nonpartisan, and dedicated to defending and protecting the individual rights and personal freedoms of all.

Chalkbeat Indiana: Chalkbeat is a nonprofit news organization committed to covering one of America’s most important stories: the effort to improve schools for all children, especially those who have historically lacked access to a quality education.

Common Cause Indiana: Common Cause Indiana is a nonpartisan organization that works to promote open, ethical, and accountable government for every Hoosier. Using research, public education, citizen engagement, policy development, and litigation, they aim to make the promises of the Constitution real for every American.

Free Press Indiana: Free Press Indiana’s mission is to ensure every resident of Indiana has the local news they need. They do this by filling gaps through launching new, community-centered newsrooms where needed; facilitating investment for other media outlets to strengthen their news and impact; and fostering collaboration among partners to close coverage gaps, share content, and make more local journalism available to more people.

Girls Inc. Indy: Girls Inc. Indy empowers girls to be confident in their own skin, prepared for their futures, proud of who they are, and ready to take their place in the world. By partnering with schools and community organizations, they can offer educational and empowering programs to girls at their facilities. This year, they plan to incorporate civic education-related lessons and activities into their programming.

  • Programs: Summer Camp, Young Women in Leadership, Eureka!, and more

Stand Up Indiana: Stand Up Indiana works to uplift the values and voices of the movement for change across Indiana by elevating the issues that matter most to our communities. Stand Up Indiana partners with grassroots activists, advocacy organizations, and community organizers to reshape Indiana’s legislative and electoral landscape. Stand Up Indiana is focused on civic engagement and education.

WFYI: WFYI is a nonprofit organization providing trusted news and quality entertainment for 50 years – educating and engaging the community. WFYI is committed to representing the rich diversity of our community and amplifying stories that represent the experiences of all.

Are you a funder exploring how you can support a healthy democracy? We recommend exploring some of the following resources. They’ve been helpful to us.